ESD lid for Euronormous plus cover

ESD lid for Euronormous plus cover

LxBxH: 400x300mm

Produkt-ID: 106135


Technische Daten

Produkt-ID: 106135

Modeltyp: Deckel ESD

Farbe: Schwarz

Material: Kunststoff elektrisch leitfähig

Gewicht (kg): 0.380

Nennabmessung (mm) LxBxH: 400x300

Außenabmessung (mm) LxBxH: 400x300



With the appropriate redding lids of electrical conductive material , your product is protected from electrostatic discharges ≤/strong>, pollution and transport damage.


The appropriate redding caps for the ESD Euronormcontainer Plus are available for the basic dimensions:

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The following definitions shall apply:.

0,00  inkl. MwSt.



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